“All That Is Sacred”
OUT NOW – Directed by Scott Ballew
“Scott's songs are stories that go rolling through your head like little movies. You watch them inside yourself as much as you hear them. And you carry away something of value you didn’t have before. As far as I'm concerned that’s exactly what a good song should do. That and tell the truth. Scott's songs do all of this.” – Terry Allen
Tour Dates
“Stories don’t work if they’re insincere, Scott can tell stories. His whole life is a story” – Jesse Woods
Trailer for a documentary that premiered at Telluride Film Festival about Jimmy Buffett, Tom McGuane, Jim Harrison and a lawless 1970s Key West.
YETI Broadcast Anthem – Director / Music Supervisor
Concepted and directed this campaign for YETI that ran on national TV for 5 years, using footage from YETI Presents films that I had produced or directed.
YETI Fathers Day Campaign – Writer / Director / Composer
I wrote a song celebrating an old school era of Dads and used archival photos from ambassadors to make a spot. Maybe they weren’t perfet, but would we change it?